Our Produce

Updated 8-25-14

I'm starting this page to record what we harvest from our land or glean from friends (like my sister-in-law's cherry tree.  Yum!).

Starting this spring, 2014:
378 Eggs (starting June 13)
23 cups Fresh Herbs (Lemon Balm, Mint, parsley)
42 cups Greens (sorrel, lettuce, mustard, kale...)
4 cups Asparagus
22 cups raspberries  (Ours and from mom)
3 cherries (this is the first year they have produced!)
5 cups tomatoes
1/3 cup blackberries
10 cups green beans (from mom) Aren't moms the best!
6 medium beets + lots of greens (from mom)

6 mint plants given away to friends

Picked 73 lbs. of strawberries at a local U-Pick strawberry farm at $1.35 per lb.

Week 1:
2 yellow crookneck squash
2 zucchini
12 medium cucumbers
1 small head broccoli
1 small head cauliflower
3 tomatoes
2 lb. yellow beans

Week 2:
1 Yellow Crookneck squash
2 zucchini
1 Winter squash
6 cucumbers
5 small onions with greens
1/4 cup chives
7 tomatoes
1 lb. yellow beans
1 lb. sweet peas

Week 3:
2 zucchini
6 cucumbers
6 lg. tomatoes
1.5 lb. cherry tomatoes
6 medium red onions
1 lb. sweet peas
2 peppers

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