Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Are you in the box?

We have had our puppy for two days.  At Gabby's first home, she lived in a cardboard box like a lot of puppy litters.  She and her siblings had mastered the art of escape a few days before we brought her home.

I am home alone tonight, and I wanted to wash dishes while keeping Gabby close to me.  I brought in a large piece of cardboard to separate the kitchen from the living room, so she had to stay with me in the kitchen.  I put it in the doorway and walked across the room to wash the dishes.  Gabby saw the cardboard and didn't pay any more attention to me.  She immediately started trying to climb over. Again and again, she tried to climb over the box, only to slide to the bottom and begin anew.  Finally, she gave up, sat down, and cried the most pitiful cry.  I stood across the room from her, washing dishes.  I sang to her; I talked to her; I scolded her.  She cried.

At last, I walked across the room and stood by her.  "Gabby! You're OK.  You don't need anything over there!"

Those puppy eyes looked up at me.  She stopped crying, and her whole body wagged with joy.  I walked across the room to continue washing the dishes with her little body weaving between my feet.  She curled up on my feet, warm and soft.  Within moments, she gave a little shudder and fell fast asleep.

Gabby saw the box and thought she had to get out, not realizing she was free and could be with me whenever she wanted to.  I think that so often I see the box I'm in, not realizing that God has already gotten me out of it.  I live in bondage when He has given me my freedom.  I cry and feel alone, and all the while He is there beside me if I would only get my eyes off the box and look at Him.

Are you in the box?

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